Impulse & Barry M new handbag essentials...

"These two must-have items are available in three exclusive packs: Into Glamour, Very Pink and Tease, so there is something to suit every mood and occasion. The Very Pink fragrance comes complete with a sumptuous strawberry scented and flavoured pale pink lip gloss; Into Glamour comes with a velvety vanilla clear lip gloss and lastly Tease completes the collection with a nude lip gloss in a delicious caramel flavour. Whether you are at work or play, Impulse and Barry M limited edition packs are THE handbag essentials, and the good news is, they won’t break the bank!

The fabulous range of limited edition Barry M lip glosses are only available from 20th April – 11th June. Get your hands on the must have beauty accessories for 2011 for the unbelievable price of £3.00 (RRP). Available in Boots (20th April – 17th May), Superdrug and Tesco (9th May – 6th June)."

I like the colour of the pink/nude gloss but haven't saw them in stores mentioned above has anyone else?


  1. i have the pink gloss, it's beautiful! i got mine in boots.


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